Art to Graffiti Poetry with Isabella Calisi-Wagner

Art to Graffiti Poetry with Isabella Calisi-Wagner

Write your own work of art. 

Class 1: Graffiti Poetry in Black and White
Intro to the “Color Meditations”
Exploring the freewriting process
Selecting words from your “Freewrite”
Drafting your Graffiti Poetry Artwork using a #2 Pencil

Class 2: The Color of Graffiti Poetry using Color Pencils
Practice the "Color Meditations” Freewriting process
Selecting the most colorful ideas from your “Freewrite”
Drafting your Graffiti Poetry Artwork using Color Pencils

Class 3: Blending the Colors of Graffiti Poetry with Pastels
Refining the editing process of your “Freewrite”
More considerations and editing and drafting your Graffiti Poetry Artwork
Considerations for Combining writing and color to the Graffiti Poetry

Class 4: The Dynamic Colors of Graffiti Poetry using Spray Spritzers
How to create a Spray Spritzer using acrylic paint and water
Considerations for combining writing and spraying color to your Graffiti Poetry Artwork



Founded in 1974, the Islip Arts Council is dedicated to leadership, advocacy, and excellence in the arts. Our goal is to present, produce, and promote culturally responsive, high quality programs in varied artistic disciplines for our diverse Long Island community.


Offices & Gallery
South Shore Mall
1701 Sunrise Highway, N1
Bay Shore, NY 11706
(Next to Dick's Sporting Goods)
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11am–4pm
Closed Sunday and Monday