Stained Glass with Susan Rus

Stained Glass with Susan Rus

Thursdays 2-4pm

Session 3
May 22, 29, June 5, 12, 19, 26, 2025

Students will learn the basics of the copper-foil method of stained glass making. Subjects covered will include making a pattern, cutting the glass, copper foiling, soldering, and adding the finishing touches to hang your piece. Students should bring scrap clear glass to practice glass cutting. The glass specific to your project can be brought to the second class. Instructor will supply some beginner pattern choices, or students may provide some idea choices of their own. Let’s have fun and cut some glass together!


Glass cutter
Glass cutting oil (ex. WD40)
Breaking pliers
Grozer pliers
grinding stone , or electric grinder (not necessary but useful)
Solder (60-40)
Soldering iron
¼”copper Foil
Flux and brush
Burnish tool (or pop-sickle stick will work)
Safety glasses
Working surface, instructor preference is homosote (2’x2’)
Clear glass for practicing cutting
Pencil, stiff paper (for pattern), sharpie marker (to make pattern)
“t” pins (or similar) For pattern/holding glass in place
Colored glass for project

In her own words:
"I have been studying and creating art my entire life, it is a journey that is ever evolvolving. Art is what defines me as a person. Creating is like meditation for me, and it keeps the fun in the day.  I attended Nassau Community College where I studied studio art (studio classes were held in the barracks at the time) this created a special feeling to be an art student!  I then transferred to SUNY Oneonta enrolling in education classes; I also discovered throwing on the potter’s wheel in ceramics, and explored soldering metal and designing jewelry.  I continued my ceramic study after college and set up my studio and created “the Good Earth”.  Many years later I received my M.S. in Fine Arts Education from Hofstra University. Over the years I had many great teachers and talented friends encouraging exploration over a wide scope of ideas & artistic movements.

 I enjoy visiting art museums and galleries both locally and wherever I travel!  I receive endless inspiration everyday existing in nature all around me; it takes an appreciative eye and respect for the many wonders and beauty that exists daily.

Presently, my favorite art forms are creating clay forms and stained glass pieces.  I learned to make stained glass after leaving college and have been creating and teaching it for many years.  It brings me great joy to share my knowledge and have students succeed and enjoy this art form."



Founded in 1974, the Islip Arts Council is dedicated to leadership, advocacy, and excellence in the arts. Our goal is to present, produce, and promote culturally responsive, high quality programs in varied artistic disciplines for our diverse Long Island community.


Offices & Gallery
South Shore Mall
1701 Sunrise Highway, N1
Bay Shore, NY 11706
(Next to Dick's Sporting Goods)
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11am–4pm
Closed Sunday and Monday